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Schedule your own Movie Madness!

US zip code:

With movie ticket prices reaching $15 and beyond in most theaters, moviegoers are in an awkward position these days. No one should ever have to fork over $15 to the evil MPAA just to see 85 minutes of whatever Hollywood is currently peddling as entertainment. So what is the avid, but principled, moviegoer to do?

Movie Madness is the answer. The basic premise: see as many movies as you can in one day for the price of a single ticket. Not only will you be standing up for your rights as a moviegoer by withholding tens of dollars from the movie industry, but you will experience a non-stop, thrilling roller-coaster ride of entertainment and adrenaline. It's practically a sport.

However, constructing an efficient schedule is difficult at best, even for the most advanced Movie-Madnessers. This site is here to aid everyone with a US zip code in scheduling their own Movie Madnesses. Enter your zip code above and proceed to find out what the options are in your part of the country.

Undertaking a Movie Madness is not recommended for pregnant or elderly persons. You must be this tall to ride. Make sure to check out the tips from the experts.

For more background, see this informative interview with Jeremy and Greg by

Mobile Madness: Check out GamerSoft's free Android app for movie scheduling: Movie Marathon -- inspired by Movie Madness!

Many movie theaters are not suitable for a Movie Madness. You may not be able to access all theaters with the purchase of a single ticket. Do a reality check before using these schedules and case the joint; you'll be happy you did.

IMDB does not endorse this. Neither does the MPAA.
But I, Jeremy Stribling. do.
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